Integrare l’Intelligenza Artificiale per supportare l’Industria 4.0. La bibliografia

Pubblichiamo di seguito la bibliografia completa dell’articolo “Integrare l’Intelligenza Artificiale per supportare l’Industria 4.0”, scritto da Riccardo Rosati, Luca Romeo e Emanuele Frontoni sul numero di ottobre-novembre 2020 di Sistemi&Impresa.

Frontoni E., Marinelli F., Paolanti M., Rosetti R., Zingaretti P. (2016), “Optimal production planning by reusing components”, 24th mediterranean conference on control and automation, 1272-1277.

Heiner L., Fettke P., Feld T., Hoffmann M. (2014), “Industry 4.0”, Business & information systems engineering, 6 (4), 239-242.

Lee J., Kao H. A., Yang S. (2014), “Service innovation and smart analytics for industry 4.0 and Big data environment”, Procedia CIRP, 16, 3-8.

Paolanti M., Romeo L., Felicetti A., Mancini A., Frontoni E., Loncarski J. (2018), “Machine learning approach for predictive maintenance in industry 4.0”, 14th IEEE/ASME International conference on mechatronic and embedded systems and applications (MESA), 1-6.

Pazzaglia G., Martini M., Rosati R., Romeo L., Frontoni E. (2020), “A deep learning-based approach for automatic leather classification in the Industry 4.0 scenario”, 1st International workshop on industrial Machine learning, in 25th International conference on pattern recognition (ICPR).

Romeo L., Paolanti M., Bocchini G., Loncarski J., Frontoni E. (2018), “An innovative design support system for industry 4.0 based on Machine learning approaches”, 5th International symposium on environment-friendly energies and applications (EFEA), 1-6.

Romeo L., Loncarski J., Paolanti M., Bocchini G., Mancini A., Frontoni E. (2020), “Machine learning-based design support system for the prediction of heterogeneous machine parameters in industry 4.0”, Expert systems with applications, 140, 112869.

Rosati R., Romeo L., Goday C. A., Menga T., Frontoni E. (2020), “Machine learning in capital markets: Decision support system for Outcome analysis”, IEEE Access, 8, 109080-109091.

Rosati R., Romeo L., Cecchini G., Tonetto F., Perugini L., Ruggeri L., Viti P., Frontoni E. (2020), “Bias from the wild Industry 4.0: are we really classifying the quality or shotgun series?”, 1st International workshop on industrial Machine learning, in 25th International conference on pattern recognition (ICPR).

Yin C., Xi J., Sun R., Wang J. (2018), “Location privacy protection based on differential privacy strategy for Big data in industrial Internet of Things”, IEEE transactions on industrial informatics, 1-1.


L’articolo integrale è pubblicato sul numero di ottobre-novembre 2020 di Sistemi&Impresa. Per informazioni sull’acquisto di copie e abbonamenti scrivi a (tel. 02.91434400)


industria 4.0, Intelligenza artificiale, automazione, Manifatturiero

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