mobilità smart

Sfruttare le tecnologie digitali nella Corporate social innovation: la bibliografia

Pubblichiamo di seguito la bibliografia completa dell’articolo Sfruttare le tecnologie digitali
nella Corporate social innovation, scritto da Paolo Landoni,  Davide Viglialro e Giuliano Sansone e pubblicato sul numero di marzo 2020 di Sistemi&Impresa.


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Herrera M. E. B. (2015), Creating competitive advantage by institutionalizing corporate social innovation, Journal of business research, 68 (7), 1468-1474.

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Mirvis P., Googins B. (2006), Stages of corporate citizenship, California management review, 48 (2), 104-126.

Mirvis P., Herrera M. E. B., Googins B., Albareda L. (2016), Corporate social innovation: How firms learn to innovate for the greater good, Journal of Business Research, 69 (11), 5014-5021.

Peppard J. (2010), Unlocking the performance of the chief information officer (CIO), California management review, 52 (4), 73-99.

Phills J. A., Deiglmeier K., Miller D. T. (2008), Rediscovering social innovation, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 6 (4), 34-43.

Porter M. E., Kramer M. R. (2011), Creating shared value, Harvard business review, 89 (1/2), 62-77.

Raisch S., Krakowski S. (2020), Artificial Intelligence and management: the automation-augmentation paradox, Academy of management review, (ja).

Rangan S., Sengul M. (2009), Information technology and transnational integration: Theory and evidence on the evolution of the modern multinational enterprise, Journal of international business studies, 40 (9), 1496-1514.

Saeidi S. P., Sofian S., Saeidi P., Saeidi S. P., Saaeidi, S. A. (2015), How does corporate social responsibility contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of competitive advantage, reputation, and customer satisfaction, Journal of business research, 68 (2), 341-350.

Sambamurthy V., Bharadwaj A., Grover V. (2003), Shaping agility through digital options: Reconceptualizing the role of information technology in contemporary firms, MIS quarterly, 237-263.

Unione europea (2014), Direttiva 2013/34/Ue del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 26 giugno 2013, relativa ai bilanci d’esercizio, ai bilanci consolidati e alle relative relazioni di talune tipologie di imprese, recante modifica della direttiva 2006/43/Ce del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio e abrogazione delle direttive 78/660/Cee e 83/349/Cee del Consiglio. Reperibile presso:

Warhurst A. (2005), Future roles of business in society: the expanding boundaries of corporate responsibility and a compelling case for partnership, Futures, 37 (2-3), 151-168.

Zahra S. A., Gedajlovic E., Neubaum D. O., Shulman, J. M. (2009), A typology of social entrepreneurs: motives, search processes and ethical challenges, Journal of business venturing, 24 (5), 519-532.


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