Tag: 2BHappy Agency

Chief Happiness Officer: il futuro è delle organizzazioni positive

Le ospiti di questa puntata sono Veruscka Gennari e Daniela Di Ciaccio, fondatrici di 2BHappy Agency e dell’Italian Institute for positive organization. Gennari e Di Ciaccio sono anche autrici di Chief Happiness Officer – Il futuro è delle Organizzazioni Positive (Franco Angeli, 2021). Il libro propone un approccio metodologico integrato capace di guidare il CHO nella trasformazione...

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Why the Corona pandemic is a cloud with a Silver Smarter working lining?

DOMANDA: So working from home is now the ‘new normal’? RISPOSTA: PHILIP VANHOUTTE: Distributed working will indeed become an important part of our work routines. But as most have experienced by now, Home working is a mixed blessing: most of our homes have not been designed and equipped for work. Who has two dedicated office spaces? And which children bedrooms are ideal for 9.00 am to 5.00 pm home...

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